New Shamy School

De New Shamy School is in 1999 opgericht. Op deze basisschool zijn ca. 300 leerlingen. De school is gevestigd in Mombassa.

De overheid van Kenia subsidieert de school niet. De financiƫle basis wordt gevormd door bijdragen van ouders van de leerlingen. Er zijn 15 leraren werkzaam en 6 personen die ondersteuning bieden. Naast onderwijs verstrekt de school dagelijks aan ca. 60 leerlingen en aan het personeel maaltijden.

Knowledge is Power

Shadreck Atick, hoofd van de New Shamy School, werkt al een leven lang in het onderwijs. Eerst bij wat wij noemen het openbare onderwijs en sinds 1999 werkt hij voor een particuliere basisschool.

Hij zegt zelf over deze overstap:

I saw the plight of the needy children and very bright. The government schools in Kenya are very overcrowded. You will find one teacher handling 80 students and in some cases more. I said this was not effective at all. I discovered that there were so many children who were not in school. As I have the teaching urge in me, both in school and my Church (SDA), I decided to leave the government and start my own school to reach pupils from slum areas in Burking and Migombani areas and the street families.

I started the New Shamy School as a tuition center which attracted many students. We started in 1999 with 5 children then and now we are with 300 pupils.

In Kenya today we have so many children who have been left with no parents because of HIV and Covid19. Parents were losing jobs because of the pandemic. In Mombasa, being a tourist destination, many hotels closed down and we were forced not to send the bright children away but just to feed them and teach them.

My major mission was to reach as many children as possible. To nature them to become not only good citizens but also to help others as they grow.

The schools motto is Knowledge is power.